1. How much does the U-Pick cost? There is a $5 entry fee per person ages 4 years and up. We then charge per bucket that you pick. Small are $11 and large are $23. There are no minimum buckets required per family/party.

  2. Do we need a reservation? Yes! The reservations really help us to make the farm enjoyable for all. It helps to spread people out throughout the day so it isn’t too crowded, it helps us know who is coming so we can make sure we have enough ripe fruit for everyone and it also allows us to contact you if we need to close for weather or any other reason. Trust us the reservations make it a better experience all around! Click here to make a reservation!

  3. Tell me more about the entry fee? We have a $5 entry fee per person ages 4 years old and up. (3 and under is free) This entry fee will be paid when making your online reservation. All children will receive a free coloring page and they can also spend time in our sensory play area at no additional cost.

  4. Do you answer the phone number listed? We use this phone number for informational purposes only. We will update the voicemail with current updates such as closures and opening dates. If you need to get a hold of us you can email us on our contact page or message us on social media. We respond to all those messages super quick! Especially if it’s a day we are open.

  5. Can we eat berries while we pick? We don’t mind a taste test or two, but you do need to pay for your bucket before enjoying your berries.

  6. Do un-ripe berries ripen once picked? Picked strawberries will become more red after picking but they won’t get any sweeter. They need to stay on the plant for that. We recommend that you pick only the fully red berries.

  7. Are pets allowed? Unfortunately we are unable to allow pets on the farm. We do allow service animals of course! (but all animals will need to stay out of the fields where the berries are due to contamination and plant health)

  8. What variety of berries do you grow? We are growing 7 different varieties this season. Our main ones are Fronteras, Belvedere and #3169 (Plant Sciences).

  9. Where else can we purchase your berries? We have 2 strawberry stands. One in Wildomar and one in Temecula. We call them our Clinton Keith Stand and our Temecula Stand. The days and times vary. We post our hours on our social media platforms. You can also sign up for our email list. Check out this page for more info and to sign up. Click here

  10. Is your farm organic? We are not organic. We follow a method called Integrated Pest Management. This means that we use organic methods when possible but we use conventional methods when the issue requires it. We are a small farm so we can be more conscious of what we use and when. Supporting small and local is always the best option.